Leaders in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery

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Renowned for his unparalleled expertise and artistic approach, Dr. Jelks seamlessly blends anatomy and aesthetics, sculpting natural beauty with precision. With decades of experience, he’s a pioneer in facial rejuvenation, celebrated for his innovative techniques that defy aging gracefully. Patients trust Dr. Jelks for his personalized care, tailored solutions, and commitment to excellence. Beyond the operating room, he’s an educator, author, and advocate for empowering individuals through transformative enhancements.

Logo Images of various accredations

The JelksMedical Advantage

  • Board Certified in BOTH Plastic Surgery and Ophthalmology.
  • Pioneer of the “No Touch” Blepharoplasty
  • Importance of individualized thorough evaluation.
  • Experienced with most difficult cases reconstructive and secondary procedures.
  • Most advanced techniques.
  • Natural results with a refreshed and youthful appearance.


Dr. Glenn Jelks has performed over 10,000 eyelid procedures.

Dr. Jelks has performed over 20,000 reconstructive and aesthetic procedures including facial rejuvenation, breast enhancement, body sculpting and non-surgical rejuvenation of the face.


Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery and Ophthalmology at New York University Medical Center

Dr. Jelks has performed over 300 lectures, instructional courses and surgical demonstrations throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South and Central America, Australia, Russia, the Middle East and the Far East throughout his career.


Board certified in BOTH Plastic Surgery and Ophthalmology. He is credited for various inventive surgical techniques including the “No Touch” blepharoplasty and numerous lateral canthal procedures.

Dr. Jelks is a prolific contributor to the literature including several published chapters, landmark articles in the plastic surgery journals, reference books and he wrote a well-regarded book on the surgical anatomy of the orbit and eyelids.


Dr. Jelks has been recognized in multiple NYC and national “Top Doctor” lists and recognized by his colleagues and societies for his clinical contributions, demonstrated leadership and enhancing the specialty of Plastic Surgery.

Meet the Doctors

Glenn W. Jelks, M.D. is a nationally and internationally respected educator and innovator in oculoplastic and plastic surgery. Dr. Jelks is one of a select few physicians Board Certified in both Plastic Surgery and Ophthalmology. He has received numerous awards and honors for his accomplishments. He uses minimal incision techniques for optimal results and rapid healing.

Glenn W Jelks, MD Headshot

Dr. Elizabeth Jelks works in close association with Dr. Glenn Jelks including evaluation of surgical patients, in the operating theatre and aesthetic supplementary procedures. Dr. Jelks conducts courses in oculoplastic surgery and has co-authored medical journal articles and chapters related to oculoplastic surgery. 

Elizabeth Jelks, MD Headshot

Blepharoplasty FAQs

Eyelid surgery may be performed to rejuvenate puffy, saggy, or tired looking eyes and improve vision.

By removing excess skin, muscle, and fat from the upper or lower lids fine wrinkles, bags, and droopy eyelids may be corrected.

A good candidate for eyelid surgery has realistic and positive goals in mind.

Common conditions that may be corrected by eyelid surgery.

  • Excess skin or fat that changes the natural fold of the upper lids
  • Loose upper lid skin that may obscure normal vision
  • A puffy appearance to the upper or lower eyelids
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelids
  • Bags and circles under eyes
  • Lower eyelid droopiness

If you are seriously interested in having cosmetic plastic surgery the best way for you to find out what procedures might benefit you the most is to schedule an in-depth consultation with Dr. Glenn Jelks.

Upper eyelid surgery removes wrinkled folds of skin on the upper lids that can create hooding, and lower eyelid surgery removes puffy under eye bags.

Incisions follow the natural contours of your upper and lower lids and blend into natural creases.

After surgery your appearance is brighter, more alert and rested.

Our Patient Testimonials

Trending Procedures


Facial fillers with your own harvested fat. For older patients earlobes and back of hands are favorites.


Research on fat has improved the results and longevity of the fat injections. Dr. Jelks will soon be publishing a paper that details proper fat augmentation technique.


Maintain a natural look and improve the health and elasticity of the skin.  A more rested and youthful looking you.


Usually week-end recovery with minimal bruising and swelling.


Men and women with loss of facial volume with normal aging changes. Starting in early 30s and 40s.

People with a history of facial trauma and acne scarring.


Facial lifting that addresses the cheeks, lower face and jowls and neck.


Individualized facelift with minimal hidden incisions and reduced tissue disruption.


Results that are natural and turn back the clock — you only younger.


Quicker recovery with minimal discomfort and disruption of activities.


Men and women with sagging and looseness of the lower face and neck.


Liposuction of the abdomen from below the bra line to the lower abdomen and sides of waist.


Local anesthesia is used.  The cannulas are small, thus minimal tissue disruption.


The combination of tightened skin and decreased fat improves the fit of clothing.


Minimal tissue disruption allowing for a quick recovery.

Most patients return to normal activities within a few days.


The inability to lose inches from diet and exercise increases with age.

Many of our patients in their 60s and 70s are excited to know they are good candidates.


Avoiding damage to lower eyelid muscles.


Fat is addressed from inside the lower lid so that the important blink muscles are not damaged.

Blending of the lid- cheek junction.


A youthful, natural look and avoiding the dreaded “you look tired” phrase.


Minimal discomfort, sutures are dissolving,

swelling and reduced activities for a short period.


Men and women from 20 – 100 who have puffy lower lids.