Dr. Jelks Featured in Departures Issue as Top Doc

Dr. Glenn W. Jelks was featured in issue of Departures magazine March/April 1997 as one of “11 Top Docs” in the United States. Glenn Jelks 875 Park Avenue New York, New York 10021 212-988-3303 Specializes in : Eyelifts and difficult redos. Everyone mentions him for correcting eye problems, particularly those created by other surgeons. […]
Dr. Jelks Profiled in New York Newsday Magazine as Top NYC Eyelid Surgeon

Discssing trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty: There is a procedure that is very hot right now – it minimizes the sagging under eye pouches by operating on the inside of the lower eyelid to remove the fat. Patients are interested in the procedure because it leaves no visible scar. Jelks is one of the few plastic surgeons to be […]
Dr. Jelks in New York Best Doctors

Dr. Jelks was honored to be included in the New York “The Best Doctors in New York” issue.
Constantian Lectureship University of Virginia

July 2014 Dr. Jelks was honored to be chosen for the Mark B. Constantian Lectureship at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, VA. Dr. Glenn Jelks was the Visiting Professor and lectured on blepharoplasty and performed anatomical labs for the residents.
Summit in Aesthetic Medicine

June 2014 Dr. Jelks lectured at the 2014 Summit in Aesthetic Medicine held in Dana Pt, CA. He presented lectures in blepharoplasty and facial volume enhancement using injectable techniques – focusing on anatomy and determining the appropriate nonsurgical and/or surgical techniques for facial rejuvenation. He also participated in a panel on promising new developments in […]
2014 Annual Meeting for Aesthetic Society

April 2014 Drs. Glenn and Elizabeth Jelks presented courses for the 2014 Annual Meeting for the Aesthetic Society of Plastic Surgeons held in San Francisco. Presentations included discussions of the Jelks “no touch” blepharoplasty and volume optimization in facial surgery, pre-operative 7-step analysis, aesthetic eyelid surgery that focuses on a natural result and oculoplastic surgery […]
48th Annual Baker Gordon Symposium

February 2014 Dr. Jelks was honored to be part of the prestigious Baker Gordon 48th Annual Symposium held in Miami. FL. He performed live surgery and spoke on current blepharoplasty techniques. Dr. Jelks lectured on Longitudinal Perspective for Enduring Solutions in Blepharoplasty. Live surgery performed was Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Retinacular Canthopexy and Transpalpebral Corrugator Resection.
Dr. Glenn W Jelks in Town and Country Issue Best Cosmetic Surgeons

Glenn W. Jelks, M.D., FACS, was listed in town and Country’s Directory of Top Cosmetic Surgeons in the US
Dr. Jelks in New York Times Magazine

On the cover of the New York Times Magazine August 5, 1979. Dr. Jelks was part of the New York University microsurgery team that reattached the hand of Renee Katz, a victim in a subway incident.
European Masters in Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine

October 2013 Paris France : Dr. Glenn Jelks presented at the European Masters in Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine meeting held in Paris, France in October 2013. During the meeting he spoke as a faculty member on his “No Touch Blepharoplasty” technique. According to the EMMA organization, Dr. Jelks was asked to speak at the conference […]