Second Annual Conjoint Oculoplastic Symposium at Case Western Reserve University

September 2013 Dr. Glenn Jelks spoke at the Second Annual Conjoint Oculoplastic Symposium at Case Western Reserve University in September as the Mark R. Levine, MD Distinguished Lectureship. Dr. Jelks discussed the “Surgical Anatomy of the Orbital Region” and “No Touch Lower Blepharoplasty, “Prevention and Management of Lower Lid Malposition”.
Best Panelist 2012 Aesthetic Society Annual Meeting

Simon Frederick’s Award – Best Panelist at The 2012 Aesthetic Society Dr. Glenn Jelks was recently awarded Best Panelist at the 2012 American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting. Congratulations on this high honor!
Are Your Eyes Aging You?

From Smart Beauty Guide blog post Sunday, October 05, 2014, NewBeauty Editors Fillers, fat or surgery: Which one should you choose? Each option has its place when correcting the eyes. Base your decision on what bothers you, your budget and the result you are looking to achieve. Choose fillers to fix hollowing in the tear troughs if there is […]
Drs. Glenn and Elizabeth Jelks, Visiting Professors at Dalhousie University

August, 2013 Drs. Glenn and Elizabeth Jelks delivered a day-long educational course to the Dalhousie Plastic Surgery Residents and other Canadian Plastic Surgeons as visiting professors in St. John, New Brunswick. Their lectures focused on teaching participants how to take a comprehensive ocular and physical exam for improved surgical outcomes, and on teaching participants how […]
Dr. Jelks Lectures for the International Society of Plastic Surgery Teaching Courses, ISAPS Education Council

June 2013 Dr. Glenn Jelks presented at two separate International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery meetings held in St. Petersburg, Russia and Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Jelks performed two live blepharoplasty surgeries emphasizing the no touch technique and lipostructure. Lectures presented were “Evaluation and Treatment of the Lax Lower Eyelid”, “Voluminization and Fat Grafting with Blepharoplasty”, “Aesthetic Considerations in […]
Dr. Jelks at the New England Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Inc. 54th Annual Meeting

May 31-June 2, 2013 Dr. Jelks was honored as a special guest lecturer at the 54th Annual Meeting of the New England Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. He presented his lecture, “The No-Touch Blepharoplasty” during the scientific session of the meeting which was held in Newport, Rhode Island.
The Difference Between Botox and Fillers

The Difference Between Botox and Fillers An Informative Article Provided by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) Dr. Jelks is a certified Expert Injector and performs all of his own injections to ensure the best result for each of his patients. To learn more about how injectables or fillers might work for your […]
2013 Aesthetic Meeting New York New York

April 2013 Over 2,000 of the world’s finest aesthetic plastic surgeons gathered at the 2013 Annual Meeting of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery held in New York City. Dr. Jelks was honored to present instructional courses at this premier educational meeting on the topics “Oculoplastic Surgery for the Plastic Surgeon” and “Aesthetic Eyelid […]
Visiting Professor American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons

Dr. Glenn Jelks Visiting Professor American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons 2009-2010 Glenn Jelks, MD was selected as a visiting professor for the 2009-2010 academic year by the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS). Highly requested he spoke at 10 colligate venues throughout the year. Dr. Glenn Jelks, MD delivered lectures, discussion groups, and patient evaluations […]