Dr. Jelks profiled in World’s Best Plastic Surgeons in W Magazine

Dr. Jelks was listed in W Magazine’s list of top docs in the World. The doctors on the following list, culled from years of research and interviews, all have achieved particular prominence in their field, and many draw patients from around the globe. His profile:
Honorary Member, Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons

Honorary Member, Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons

Honorary Member, New England Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons

Dr. Jelks named PSEF 2001 Visiting Professor

Glenn W. Jelks, M.D. named 2001 Visiting Professor for the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF). Excerpts from article in ASPS Plastic Surgery News PSEF Visiting Professor Committee Chair Dr. Yousif says Dr. Jelks’ area and depth of expertise should translate into a coveted Visiting Professor. “Dr. Jelks has a world of both knowledge and experience that, in […]
First Simon Fredericks Award – Best Panelist

1998 Simon Fredericks Award This is the first of two Simon Fredericks Awards bestowed on Dr. Glenn Jelks. The Simon Fredericks Award is presented to the individual who is judged the Best Panelist at the annual meeting of The Aesthetic Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Honor Society Alpha Omega Alpha

Dr. Glenn Jelks was honored with membership in Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society in 2008. This honor is bestowed to physicians demonstrating scholarly achievement and professional contributions during their careers in medicine.
Editor, Annals of Plastic Surgery

Dr. Jelks served as an Editorial Board Member for the prestigious plastic surgery publication, Annals of Plastic Surgery.
President, Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons

President – Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons Dr. Jelks also served as Secretary and Vice President prior to serving as President. Additionally, he was instrumental in growing the membership with his leadership as Chairman of the Membership Committee and as with his contributions as a member of the Nominating Committee.
Tiffany Award

HIGHEST HONORS AWARDED TO GLENN W. JELKS, MD: NEW YORK CITY PLASTIC SURGEON RECEIVED PRESTIGIOUS TIFFANY AWARD FROM AESTHETIC SURGERY PEERS. New York Plastic Surgeon Glenn W. Jelks, M.D. was recently awarded the prestigious Tiffany Award by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) for his presentation titled, “The Anatomical Basis for Blepharoplasty.” The […]